Move Me to Germany 877.784.2111
Once you get the invoice, there are two ways to pay.
1. You can send a personal check to: PREMIER VAN LINES INTERNATIONAL.
You can pay by personal check using the check authorization fast pay form that we will send you as an email attachment. Once filled out, you can and email/fax it back to me.
***Invoice is due within one week of receipt.
2. You can pay by a credit card; however, you will be accessed a 3% convenience fee. Simply fill out the credit card authorization form that we will send you via email with the pertinent information and return it back to us. Be make sure to include the 3% convenience fee to the total.
Need a quote? Want your questions answered? Please call us at 877.784.2111 or email us at
Want a quote? Please fill out the form below and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Invoice 877.784.2111
Corporate Office: 270 East Douglas Avenue #82 El Cajon, CA 92020 Premier Van Lines International - Move Me to Germany. All rights reserved.